
Vaping FAQ – Guide for new users.

New to vaping? Frequently Asked Questions for people new to vaping and wanting some quick answers.


What is vaping?

Vaping is the use of a vaping device! There are many vaping devices, but “vaping” is the term that unites them all (and it’s even in the dictionary!).

How do vaping devices work?

All vaping devices work in the same fundamental way: A battery powers a coil heating element that turns a liquid solution known as vape juice into an aerosol. Different devices apply these principals in differing ways – and it’s surprising just how many variants have been created from such a simple concept!

Why should I vape?

Vaping provides you with the sensations, rituals and nicotine that smoking provides, but is not smoking. In fact, from a flavor perspective, we believe vaping is now more enjoyable and satisfying than smoking ever was.

Is vaping safe?

Unfortunately, we’re not allowed to discuss the safety of vaping devices due to federal restrictions. We’re very sorry about this, but you can do plenty of independent research yourself on the internet.

What device do I need to buy?

This is a very tricky question, as it depends on your preferences and experience with vaping. If your a smoker looking to transition to vaping we recommend a pod vape using nicotine salts to start with. If you want the portability of a pod system but something that generates more vapor buy a vape pen. If you just want the most vapor and flavor possible buy a high wattage box mod kit. We also have an article concerning the cheapest vape mods, which might be a good place for vapers just starting out.

Can I vape anywhere?

The short answer here is no. Sadly, many Cities and Counties have chosen to prohibit vaping in public places, shoehorning vaping into smokefree legislation. Thankfully, vaping is still permitted in public places in the majority of the US, but this is continuously under threat. Nevertheless, it’s wise not to assume that you can vape anywhere just because it’s not illegal. Premises owners are entitled to prohibit vaping on their property, and many do. In some cases it might be wise to stealth vape using a discrete device.

Is vaping right for me?

If you’re an adult smoker then the answer is yes. Non-smokers should not take up nicotine in any form. The addictiveness of nicotine as provided by vaping devices is as yet not fully understood, but it should be assumed that it does have the potential to cause dependence.

What are PG or VG liquids?

PG (propylene glycol) and VG (vegetable glycerine, or glycerol) are ingredients in e-liquid which create the vapor. Both are widely used in a variety of products for human consumption. PG is associated with a stronger “throat hit” but with less visible vapor, whereas VG has a sweetish taste and produces a much more visible vapor. Some vapers find PG irritates their throat and lungs and choose to use VG based e-liquids instead. Some e-liquids contain a blend of both ingredients to balance out the characteristics of each.

What e-liquids should I get?

Again, there is no one-size fits all answer here, so the best thing you can do is to try out a few e-liquids and see which one suits you. Interestingly, don’t assume that you need an authentic tobacco flavor. There are some good ones out there, but we find that the vast majority of vapers end up choosing a flavor other than tobacco, and this happens very quickly if they try a few different ones to begin with. In terms of PG/VG, you’ll have to try for yourself and decide what you like. We have put together some recommendations for cheap e liquids that might be a good starting point as well.

What strength e-liquid should I buy?

This is, in a way, the trickiest question of all because ultimately it’s a personal preference. You need to try out vaping to see what you like. We have also put together an article on nicotine levels that might be helpful. There are two basic styles of vaping. We call this “NO/VO” and you can read all about it [here]. Put simply, some vapers prefer a stronger nicotine eliquid but on a lower powered device, whereas others prefer less nicotine but on a more powerful device. And some people are somewhere in the middle! Also, vapers differ in how much nicotine they need, and how much they want to vape overall. So, if you want to vape less, use a stronger e-liquid, if you find you’re getting too much nicotine from the amount you like to vape, move to a less strong liquid.

Can I save money over smoking?

Yes, absolutely. Although how much you will save depends on several factors: – How much cigarettes or tobacco costs where you live. – The amount you spend on devices (this becomes a hobby for many!) That said, with a good setup you should be able to save considerable amounts of money, and the more focused on saving money by vaping you are, the more you will save.

What should I look for when choosing a vaping device?

There is a huge range of vaping devices available, and they come in all shapes and sizes. When choosing your first device you will be making your choice based on looks and price/performance. It’s hard to give generic advice. However, do make sure you consider this: You will always want to have a device charged up and to hand. The biggest mistake new vapers make is forgetting that you need time to charge up a vape once it’s gone flat, and this can be frustrating. Keep a backup! Our list of the smallest vape mods is an excellent place to find a backup device.

How can I get the best tobacco-like flavor?

There are some very good tobacco liquids out there, but none of them are identical to smoking. Remember that vaping is fundamentally not smoking, and much of the flavor and sensation from smoking comes from the very fact that it is smoke which is being inhaled. Most vapers find that the absence of smoke is actually a big plus point, and that they transition quickly away from wanting a smoke-like flavor.

Are there any companies I should avoid?

Like any business, look for trust signals. We tend to recommend to avoid “cigalike” products – the ones that look like cigarettes – simply because in our experience they are unsatisfying and underperforming. If you’re after simplicity, then either a pod vape or vape pen should fit the bill.

Can I quit smoking by vaping?

We are prevented from talking about this by federal regulations which came into force in 2016 It is impossible to say whether YOU can quit smoking by vaping. The only thing we can say with certainty is that there are many people who are known to have quit smoking by substituting with vaping. Whether you will be one of those people depends on a few factors, such as how motivated you are, how much effort you make finding a device that works for you, and how much you find you enjoy vaping to being with. The only way to find out is to try!